By Mitravinda Gopi Devi Dasi
Good news with the Peacocks and Hens. About 30 of our Neighbors kindly pitched in to find the Peas. After several “just misses” for 2 days a family down on Bear Branch Road spotted the Peas on their property. He tracked them for about 30 minutes then Nayana and I arrived.
We spent about 45 minutes herding them out of woods to their barn where they quickly flew to the roof to roost. We knew they were safe for night. Then Becky and her three young children and girls and I piled into their pick up truck and went four wheelin through their property to map out a route for Nayana and me to herd the Birds home.
It was pitch black outside when we reached the ridge of the final pasture on our route and then beheld Krishna’s mystic opulence with the rising moon; exquisite! Nayana and I got to the Owens family’s barn where the Peas were roosting at 5:25am. By 8am the birds descended and Nayana and I spent the next 1 1/2 hours herding them through pasture and forest.
When we got on to Murari Lane the Peas began picking up their pace. Once the Temple building came into sight the Peas turned into Roadrunners. They raced to their shack! They were very happy to be back Home.
We could not have done it without the kind and loving support of so many neighbors. It was a wonderful experience.